
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

NOTD Featuring Ellagee Rainbow Syrup

PR Sample/Purchased Myself 

You know when you're super excited about something that you can't contain it?! Let me tell you, I'm still extremely excited over this polish! 

For my base I used Venique Dominating Thigh Highs and Cult Nails Grunge for an accent.
I topped each nail with Ellagee's Rainbow Syrup. This polish is gorgeous in the bottle, but it absolutely POPS over a dark nail polish. 
Look at that sexy ass linear holo. No joke, I was really bummed and actually upset when I took this off. Mind you I wore it for about 3-4 days.
Look at that Rainbow as well. 
We shant even talk about what this polish makes me want to do LOL
I'm just going to leave you with this

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Ellagee's Rainbow Syrup was provided as a press sample. All other polishes were purchased with my own money.