
Friday, June 6, 2014

The Beauty Buffs : Neon!

Hello everyone!

Shame on me for getting this up so late! My work schedule has screwed so much up that it is not even funny! I do plan on making it up though with a couple more giveaways! But first! Let's get into this weeks theme for The Beauty Buffs!

I did TWO looks for TBB, and neither of them turned out as good as I was hoping. Booo. That's what happnes when you try to do your nails at 3am after working all day! :P To me, they look like a clown puked horribly on my nails. Yeah, like that image? I'm chock full of more of them! :P (kidding)

On a more serious note. I did actually try really hard with these, which is why there is two different ones, but they just didn't turn out the way I pictured. Honestly, I wound up giving up which is something you should never do! Don't ever give up on anything!

Now we all know the internal struggle with photographing neons, they're a pain. Plain and simple. My camera went NUTS trying to capture the colors. Just wow. Also, don't even ask why there is a random owl. I wanted to use one of the images from the Cult Nails plate that I have but of course, it's missing. Murphey's Law.

I told you there was a random owl! I used quite a few colors as I am sure you can tell!
For my main base I used ORLY Melt Your Popsicle
For my "accent finger" I used ORLY Glowstick 
For the dots and and the owl I used a combination of
ORLY Melt your popsicle (orange)
ORLY Glowstick (yellow)
ORLY Passionfruit (pink)
China Glaze In The Limelight (green)
China Glaze Happy Go Lucky (yellow)
See what i mean about how they just look yucky. Apparently I don't have any pictures left of my original manicure, but rest assure, it was similar.. kind of because it included dots. I should have fairy dusted it! :P

So, what do you think!? Don't forget to check out the other ladies posts as well! xox

An InLinkz Link-up
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