
Friday, May 30, 2014

Nature's Bounty Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies With Biotin Review and GIVEAWAY

Press Sample
Hello Everyone! I hope you're all doing well!

Today I have a review of Nature's Bounty Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies with Biotin! Stay tuned towards the bottom for a giveaway!

I used these gummies for 30 days as part of the Nature's Bounty 30-day Hair, Skin and Nails Challenge. The bottle contained 80 gummies total, with no milk/lactose, artificial flavors, soy, gluten, wheat, yeast, fish, or sodium.  The three main ingredients are Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Biotin, which all work to strengthen hair and nails and keep skin looking great. The nutrients help support natural beauty from within: Vitamin E contributes to skin health, Vitamin C is involved with collagen production, and biotin acts at the base of the nail and also promotes healthy hair.

The gummies themselves are Strawberry flavored and remind me of strawberries and cream, which I am not the  biggest fan of but they're pretty tasty, I actually grew to like these quite a bit! This has 2g of sugar in it, but they're sweet enough that they were my sweet treat every day!

I started out by taking ONE gummy ONCE a day, but after about a week or two I started taking TWO gummies once a day. They suggest taking two gummies once or twice a day, but I just took them once a day. Hair and skin wise, I've seen a great improvement! I'm really impressed with these gummies. This is going to be really gross, but I can go almost two weeks between washes, where I used to have to wash my hair every other day because it got that oily. You can't even tell that my hair is oily! My hair itself has also felt thicker and more full. I have thin hair and it lays pretty flat a lot of the time, but my hair has just been.. well to put it lightly, I've been enjoying it. Skin wise, I've seen a HUGE improvement. It has not been as oily as it typically gets, and with living in Florida my skin gets very oily. My skin has also looked more vibrant, if that makes sense. It just looks healthier.

As for my nails, they've been growing like crazy BUT they've not been any stronger. They're still paper thing and just...well just shoddy. I know a lot of people had amazing results when it came to using this with their nails, but for me I didn't have the greatest. I'm going too keep taking these though and hope that since I'm changing how I'm eating and what not, that I will have better luck!
I really love these gummies and I've been recommending them to EVERYONE, who asks me about Vitamins.

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Now it's time for the giveaway!

The "rules" are simple.
  1. Be 18yrs or old OR have your parents permission since I have to ask for your address
  2. NO giveaway accounts. All entries WILL be verified. All giveaway accounts will instantly be disqualified.
  3. You MUST like Nature's Bounty on Facebook.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

 photo signature_zps5ed1b0d3.jpg
I was provided my bottle of Nature's Bounty Hair, Skin & Nails gummies for free from Smiley 360. The bottle that I am giving away was purchased with my OWN money. 


  1. Nice review on these gummies. They sound nice and probably something I would like.

  2. Whoo! I can't wait to get my free sample of these from Wal-Mart. They were giving them out a few weeks ago. :)

  3. Nice review! I might have to try these out. :) (You're going to laugh, but your hair story didn't gross me out at all. I don't wash my hair with commercial shampoos, and "wash" with baking soda/water every 3 weeks or so.)

  4. I definitely need to try these! Going two weeks without washing sounds like a dream come true. :)

  5. I hate biotin and i had similar results. My hair is growing sooooo fast! my nails grow fast too, but are still brittle and breaking :( is there gelatin in these?

  6. There is gelatin in them. My nails have started getting to a point where they're not growing at all again. I WISH these would make my nails stronger, but I never have much luck in the nail department when it comes to biotin

  7. Thank you so much! Bahaha I tried to do that but my scalp didn't feel clean, so I stopped.

  8. Thank you! I'm sure you would! They're pretty awesome!

  9. • Biotin encourages cell growth, metabolism of amino acids and fats; Aids in hair and nail growth
    • High-Potency 10,000mcg Biotin; 90-day supply of easy to swallow vegan capsules
    • Biotin is a coenzyme and B vitamin sometimes used for diabetes, Hair Skin Nails, and hair loss
    • Biotin is water soluble and supports healthy skin, nerves, digestive tract, metabolism, and cells.

  10. • Biotin encourages cell growth, metabolism of amino acids and fats; Aids in hair and nail growth
    • High-Potency 10,000mcg Biotin; 90-day supply of easy to swallow vegan capsules
    • Biotin is a coenzyme and B vitamin sometimes used for diabetes, Hair Skin Nails, and hair loss
    • Biotin is water soluble and supports healthy skin, nerves, digestive tract, metabolism, and cells.
