
Friday, June 28, 2013

Zoya PixieDust - Beatrix

Hola amigos!

Have I shown you any of the Zoya PixieDusts before?

Zoya's Beatrix is the first of the PixieDusts that I tried. Why Beatrix? Uhm hello it's bright orange! I love me some orange polish! ...Plus it doesn't have a name sticker on the bottom and I wanted to get it swatched and posted before I forgot the name...

Beatrix lasted pretty nice on me before I decided to take it off. The painted my nails at night and the next day I did some hardcore yard work. Pulling weeds, weed-eating (or weed wacking as I've heard it called), mowing 2 lawns, moving a boat (yes a boat I am woman hear me roar) .. let me tell you that boat wasn't easy to move considering how damn heavy it was. It was a dingy type boat but it's pretty damn bit... okay I'm getting off topic. The polish didn't chip through all of that. So I'm pretty damn impressed.
Side note. That is not a chip on my ring finger. Somehow I got another polish on it and never noticed.

I really love how this polish is just so bright and IN your face. It's definitely a perfect color for Summertime.
I used two coats of this polish. The bottle looks well used because this is probably the 4th time I've swatched it for some decent pictures. I'm still not thrilled how they came out, but it is what it is my dears. :) 
THEN you add a top coat and the sparkle factor intensifies! I love that these are universal and look gorgeous with or without a top coat. They are meant to NOT have a top coat, but hey why not? They will definitely last a LOT longer without a top coat though, that is something that I have found through testing.

Do you have any of the PixieDusts? What do you think of them?!
I purchased this with my own money