
Monday, June 24, 2013

ORLY MegaPixel FX Collection

I was going to split these all up into separate posts, but I figured it is one collection, why not just have them all in one place? It is much easier in my opinion.  Since I bought Aqua Pixel before I got the rest of the collection and I already put a post up about it, I'm going to use a couple pictures AND link you all to that post. That way it's all cohesive.

The ORLY MegaPixel FX collection is ORLY's textured polishes. I've not seen much on the blogosphere about this collection which surprises me! There are six colors in this collection and every single one of them is gorgeous!

Aqua Pixel is the polish that I have previously talked about. It is a turquoise blue with silver hex glitter.

Black Pixel is the odd ball of this collection. It's black, but it doesn't have the hex glitter like the others do, but it does have silver micro glitter. It's also jelly based. 

Pink Pixel - Silvery fuchsia with silver hex glitter.

Plum Pixel - is a slightly purple, kind of lilac with silver hex glitter.. It actually kind of reminds me more of Pewter then plum.

Silver Pixel - Silver with small hex glitter of the same color.

Rose Pixel is rose gold with a very distinctive silver sparkle and silver hex glitter.

Overall, I really LOVE this collection hardcore. My mom hates the textured aspect of it, but I say phooey on her! She doesn't know what she is missing!!! Out of all of the textured polishes that I have used, these are by far my favorite!
As for the removal aspect, these are kind of hard to remove because of the glitter that is in them. I would suggest the tinfoil method, or if you are into it the Elmer's Glue method (never tried it though) Lasting wise, these last ages on me! Which really surprised me because polish doesn't last more than a day. So giant kudos to ORLY!

These are on the more pricier side of the spectrum at $10 per polish. I actually thought these were the normal $8 like the rest of the polishes. Sticker shock at the register though! They're definitely worth it though.!!
You can find these at , Sally Beauty (in store) and

Have you tried the MegaPixel FX collection? What is YOUR opinion on it?!
I purchased these with my own money! I am no affiliated with any of the above mentioned companies.