
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Makeup Of The Day 8/18

Purchased Myself | PR Sample

Hey everyone! 
I hope you all are doing well! :D

Today I have a Makeup Of The Day for you! Woohoo!
I did this the other day, out of sheer boredom honestly. There was no particular reason that I did this, to reason for the choice of colors. I just grabbed a palette and grabbed a crease color and called it a day LOL.

SO! Without further adieu!

So, I'm just going to throw it out right here. Yes, my eye brows look like crap. I understand I need to get them done and I PLAN on getting them done. I've seen some people on twitter biatching/complaining about people who post pictures without doing their brows. I've done my  brows 3 times in my life. I always plus them to keep them looking decent, but never really bother with the front because they do their own thang. So honestly, if you have something nasty to say about my brows, it's my face not yours. Snip snap paddy whack go eat a bone. =^_^=

Mmmmkay back to brighter topics.
I've not used color in a while and I actually really missed it! 

Milani Eyeshadow Primer
Sugarpill Heartbreaker palette - 2AM, Acidberry, Mochi. (lid/bottom lashline/inner corner)
L'Oreal 24/hr Infallible 998 Sultry Smoke (outer corner/crease)
Mica Beauty Cosmetics black eyeliner
Urban Decay 24/7 eyeliner - Demolition (waterline)
L'Oreal Power Volume Black Smoke mascara

*Ageless Derma Satin Lipgloss - Cranberry

Mario Badescu Special Healing Powder
Maybelline Shine Free Pressed Powder - 002 Soft Cameo

I am bloody in love with this look! I hated having to take it off at the end of the day! *sniffles*

I posted this look on Instagram the day I did it and I wanted to share it on my blog because I 1) actually had pictures for it and 2) it was too amazeballs (in my opinion) to not share!

I'm thinking of trying to do tutorials on the blog, but every time I remember that I wanted to do it my eyes are already done, super lame right? 

Disclaimer: The Ageless Derma Satin Lipgloss in Cranberry was sent to me for review. Everything else in this post I purchased myself with my own money. 


  1. Ahhh, this is so cool! I need some Sugarpill shadows, everyone that uses them comes up with such amazing looks. *sniffle* I'm missing out on the colorfest!

    Is your hair purple or is that just my computer screen? Because if it is it sure looks cool!

    I have seen some of the bitching about brows too...honestly, different people have different ideas of what constitutes "done", too. I mean, I keep mine pretty darn tidy, but I'm sure some people would have a cow because I shape them at home instead of having them professionally waxed or threaded. Or because they're too thick. But I like a more natural look, as long as I don't drift into Groucho Marx territory :D I would hate to go too thin and wind up with the Nike swoosh!

  2. Oh my gosh thank you so much! xx

  3. Thank you! xx I LOVE Sugarpill shadows. I need to get some more. NOPE! My hair is indeed dark purple :P.

    It's ridiculous, I understand funky brows are not attractive but don't attack people for them. I only want to get them done somewhere for them to be "properly" done, then I will just keep up with the maintenance at home.i need to get a brow pencil or something that matches mine better. I definitely would hate to go too thin or have crazy brows. I mean, mine aren't even that bad honestly, Just a little plucking here and there, but don't become a *bleep* about it!

  4. No kidding! I have trouble finding brow pencils that match mine, most are too dark or too light. I need a taupe pencil I think, my eyebrows are brown but the brown pencils are just a leeeetle too dark for my taste.
