
Friday, August 23, 2013

iFabbo Social Media Conference

Hey loves!

I hope you all are doing well!

If you follow me on twitter, I am sure you have heard me talk about how much I wish I could go to iFabbo's Social Media Conference in San Francisco in October. I definitely don't have the money to travel across the country, as much as I wish I did!

source iFabbo

I am going to live vicariously through Nancy-Lee (FashionCHICsta)'s chatting about it etc. Grrrrl! So jealous! Nothing ever goes on around here that I am actually able to go too.

I'm excited about all of the people who are going to be speaking at the event, I so wish I could hear what they have to say! The people I am the most excited that are going to be speaking is Jen the founder of My Beauty Bunny, Amber of Beauty Junkies Unite and Marlena of Makeup Geek. I would give ANYTHING to be able to meet/hear those ladies speak! 

Those are the three I am the most excited about but the Panels, as boring as they sound they aren't! Panels are the most amazing things to attend you learn so much! With 6 different panels to choose from, you can definitely learn everything you need to know! From how to get your blog out there, building your brand all of the way to the nasty legal stuff that we all hate. (not really hate, but you get what I mean)

If you don't have your ticket, get it ASAP. You can purchase it HERE.You can go to just the conference and hear everyone speak OR you can go to the super lavish cocktail reception after! Mmm!!!! I'm just all around excited for this entire conference I can't pick one thing that I would love the most other than finally meeting Jen, Amber and Marlena! I think that conferences like this are probably some of the best things out there. Not only can you network and meet others but you learn so so much from some of the best bloggers that are out there. 

source iFabbo

Go purchase your ticket!!! Definitely let me know if you do! I would LOVE, love, lurrrrvvveeee for everyone to go!  If I could I would.

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