
Thursday, January 1, 2015

Hello 2015 and Welcome New Beginnings!

Hello 2015!

I feel that this is going to be a beautiful year. Doesn't everyone say that though? I feel that your destiny is in your hands, and it definitely will have its up and downs. That's just life! I know that 2014 was pretty lax on my part and I definitely have some big plans for 2015. I've got tons of posts that I do want to get done. I also want to try and get back into YouTube, I've neglected it greatly.

Before we get into anything else I do want to say that I hope you all had a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah or Happy Kwanzaa! Or whatever holiday that you celebrate that I don't know about (if there is one let me know! I'd love to learn about it!)! I hope that you all also had a safe New Years Eve because I know things can get really crazy, especially with the amount of partying and just plain ridiculousness that happens on NYE and New Years.

I definitely plan on getting back into blogging, like I said above. I've got some great plans...well planned. I definitely want to gain back those relationships that kind of went null in 2014 as well as I plan on working on some other kind of contacts and all of that jazzy stuff. Blogging friendships grew and there were a couple of blogging friend fall outs. Unfortunately as well that is a part of life and I wish those ladies (if you're reading this you know who you are) nothing but luck and love.

If there is any specific kind of posts that you all would like to continue seeing, not see anymore, or things that you would like to start seeing please let me know! I'd love to know!

I do think that once a week I will post a quote on Monday's at the beginning of posts. My planner has tons of lovely quotes that I keep meaning to share on Instagram, but I never do. Shame on me! Also sham less self promotion but if you're not following me on Instagram you should! I'm always posting eye looks, nail looks and other stuff that doesn't make it to the blog!

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  1. I can't wait to see more posts from you! Happy New Year, Autumn!

  2. Happy New Year to you! Can't wait to see what you have in store for the blog.

  3. Happy new year! Sounds like 2015 will be your year!
