
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Naturally Fly Body Butters

Press Sample

I want to start this post off by first apologizing too Angela as well as everyone else for how long it's taken my to get this review up. Not only is it very unprofessional the amount of time it's taken, but it's very irresponsible of myself to have taken so long. Especially since I promised it would have been up FIVE days ago. Unfortunately life and sickness got in the way of me doing things that I enjoy (aka my blog), we can save that for another post though.

Without further adieu

Naturally Fly is new to me body care company. I heard about them from Brittany of Clumps of Mascara. All of Naturally Fly's body butters are 100% Nautral.

Up first we have Midnight Mango.
While there is actually nothing mango in this body butter, I must say that at first, it does smell really lovely. Now, for myself personally, it's extremely strong and the scent doesn't fade for quite a while. The last time I used this, my brother thought that I was burning a candle, not actually burning something. The body butter itself is filled with all kinds of good oils that are just lovely for your skin, this is suggested that you wear this at night, so that it can fully soak into your skin.

I would suggest wearing some socks or long pants or something because I found that this can be a bit greasy. It takes a while to soak into the skin, I'm not using the word greasy lightly, because it's very very greasy. Even with it being greasy it is moisturizing, which is nice.
The picture above is not how the product actually looks. There is a warning on the packaging that says to store it in a coolr place...well, you might want to heed that warning. The product turned into that...I would show you a more updated picture, but it's not lovely and ...yeah it's just not. While the product still is useable, I do think that may be why I've found it to be very greasy and others haven't. 

Honey Punch
Honey Punch is in a smaller jar then Midnight Mango. Honney Punch is an all natural moisturizer that says it fights acne while acting as a skin clarifier. I didn't put this on my face, like MM I found this greasy but noticably LESS greasy. I can wear this without having to put on socks or anything else. I'm not sure if this is meant for the face, but I do have oily skin, so I skipped putting this on my face. I've been using it on Chris' back, since he has some serious backne and it seems to be helping.
Scent wise, it kind of smells like that soap that you get from hotels. I'm no knocking the scent because it isn't that over powering. I quite like the scent of this, it kind of reminds me of being in Tennessee. As you can see this one fared better than MM. I'm not sure why this one fared better, but it's lovely! 

I know it sounds that I'm bashing the problems, or hated the products themselves...Indeed I do quite enjoy them. I think I would have enjoyed Midnight Mango more if I had stored that properly, but that was totally user error. 

If you would like to Purchased Midnight Mango, you can do so by clicking HERE
MMango retails for 14.99 for 2oz or 19.99 for 4oz

If you would like to purchase Honey Punch you can do so by clicking HERE
Honey Punch retails for 14.99 for 2oz or 19.99 for 4oz
HP is currently on sale as of 10/7/14 I'm not sure how long the sale is going on for but 2oz retails for 9.99 and the 4oz jar is 14.99 

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These products were provided for free for review. All opinions are 100% my own. 


  1. The scent on them sound like they smell really good. Yikes about the mango one though.
