
Thursday, April 3, 2014

Shine On Blogger Award

I hope everyone is having an awesome day!

I was nominated by Jen of Jen Likes Polish. Like she said in her post here it's a good feeling when you know people read your blog and enjoy what you post.  When I got her email that she nominated me, It made my entire week/month!  It's a really humbling thing! =^_^=

I LOVE Jen's blog. It's one of the ones I try to check daily, I don't always comment, but I tend to get REALLY behind on blogs (like I am now) Jen always has the cutest polish! I can't tell you how much I love her blog! Can I also talk about how freaking ADORABLE she is?! I mean come on. Get it girl!

1. Display award logo (seen above) in your blog post.
2. Show appreciation to the blogger that nominated you, and linking back to their blog in your post - of             course!
3. Share seven, random, interesting facts about yourself. I'll list these below - I can promise random, but not     interesting.
4. Nominate 15 bloggers you admire, list them and link them in your blog post. I'll list these below, as well.
5. Contact your chosen nominees and let them know. I'm choosing to contact my nominees via email - I will        send that email before this post goes live.

Seven Random (Interesting?) Facts
  1. I have a huge obsession with Animal Crossing. I'm not even going to tell you  how much time I spend on the game, it's absolutely ridiculous. 
  2. I still haven't changed my name since Chris and I got married in 2012. I plan on hyphenating it, so it's going to be one freaking long name. Autumn Julia Caravona-Wiemerslage. I refuse to drop my middle name and I don't want to drop my surname either. Which is why I've yet to change my last name.
  3. I dislike ordering online because I hate paying shipping. I know it's absolutely ridiculous. IF I have the money I'll either look for a code for free shipping OR I'll go up to the limit TO GET the free shipping.
  4. I have an unhealthy obsession with Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. Don't judge, but seriously I used to be insane about Johnny Depp, but not anymore. I'm more on the Meh side of him now. Benedict and Martin are my Man crushes as of late! 
  5. I'm convinced I look like a man, that's why I always have to either have some kind of makeup on or hair visible. 
  6. I'm 23 years old and had to have my 5 year old nephew teach me to whistle. He's still better at it then I am.
  7. I HATE confrontation. I will do everything I can too avoid them. No joke, I ran out the door at work because "I had to go too the bathroom" because my co-worker was confronting my manager about an issue he had with her.. I panic and I'll either try too avoid it, or I'll try and insert humor. Panic attack central!

I admire a lot more than 15 bloggers but I do know that more than likely the greater majority wouldn't post it or even acknowledge that they were nominated! Kind of sad, but it's okay! I'll just mention a few
  • Melissa of Glitterfists
  • Kirby of The Mercurial Magpie
  • Sarah of Tunay Na Mahal 
  • Shelby Lou Nails
  • Polished Lifting
  • In Jeeb We Trust
  • The Stepmom Chronicals

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  1. Congrats on the award. Very interesting facts too.

  2. Aww, thanks girl! You don't look like a man though, for real.

  3. Congratulations!!
    OMG! How was I NOT following you all this time?!
    You do NOT look like a man, stop it.
    Now go Shine On!

  4. Haha you are so entertaining! Thanks, girlie :-)
    PS, I called you hir

  5. Thank you love~ Oh psh. It's okay!

  6. Thanks! It took me a month to come up with things that weren't already covered in previous posts.

  7. Very welcome! :) Baha I tell myself that all of the time! I have my days though.

  8. Bahah thanks! I try too be! :D :P Ahh, I wouldn't have made that connection! :P
