
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Stur Drinks Liquid Water Enhancer

PR Sample
Hey everyone!

I hope that you are doing well! :)

Today's review is all about Stur Drinks. I found this company through a couple other blogger and I haven't looked back since. 

I'm sure you have all heard about liquid water enhancers like Mio and the Kool Aid ones. Those aren't bad, I've tried both brands and even some generic ones. What sets Stur Drinks apart from other brands is that they are a family ran company. Another fantastic thing is that they are either sweetened with Stevia or unsweetened. In this day and age everyone is hopped up on sodas and energy drinks. I know myself as well have neglected drinking water a lot of the time. With products like this, it's easier to drink more water! 

The Website Says:
Stur liquid water enhancer is for those who want to drink more water. It is definitely a LIGHTER taste than other water enhancers (we’re the opposite of Kool Aid). We use a homegrown slow-dispensing system different from other water enhancers — for each serving, you have to squeeze our bottle up to 10 seconds. With Stur, you can add as little or as much flavor to water as you want.  Stur is a small family-run company, passionate about better health — please join our mission and help people drink more water
  •    0 calories, 0 grams of sugar, and 7 essential vitamins (A, D, E, B3, B5, B6, and B12)
  •     No artificial sweeteners, colors, or flavors
  •     Portable, reusable, and recyclable packaging

Out of the 6 that I received my top favorites are
1) Truly PomeCranberry
2) Purely Peach Mango
3) Simply Strawberry

I wasn't the biggest fan of the other three.
4) Honestly Lemonade

5) Proudly Tea+Lemon

6) Only Mint Cucumber

I wasn't a big fan of the bottom 3 because to me, the taste was really funky. Especially the Mint Cucumber. It was all mint and no cucumber. Blegh. The other two were just.. meh for me. 
Simply Strawberry, Truly PomeCranberry and Peach Mango are my absolute favorite because they tasted ah-mazing! Seriously, mad kudos on those three. I can't wait to see what Stur comes out with next! Anything that they come out with will be amazing I am sure of it! I can only hope that they bring out a caffeinated version!

$3.99 to $4.99 a bottle, but you can buy 6 pack deals on Amazon

Definitely Check out SturDrinks and try their water enhancers! xx

I received these products for free for review. I am not affiliated with SturDrinks

1 comment:

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