Hello Everyone! Happy Thursday or Happy Valentines Day! :)
So the time has come! If you saw my blog post back on January 16th then you would know that it was my ONE YEAR blog anniversary! I am so grateful and happy that I at least made it one year! I know switching blogging platforms really screwed up my readers and I am deeply sorry for that. I'm sorry that this has taken me so long to put up! I've been waiting for some prizes to come in the mail.
Anyways! Onto the giveaway!
I really do want to thank everyone for reading my blog and sticking with me through all of the down times, non blogging, off times, etc! I really do appreciate it! <3 <3 xx
All of the prizes except for the shoelaces were purchased by me with my own money.
The Shoe laces were provided via MaxLaces. The three laces are a few of their best selling ones and I can see why!! These come all of the way from Australia! Please shoot them a tweet and tell them thank you! I'm kind of jealous!
I'm very excited for this giveaway and I've been hording some of this stuff for a while, just for this. I also plan on adding a secret prize that I've not shown or listed as part of the giveaway because it's definitely going to be a secret! I wanted to do this big giveaway to show my appreciation to all of you! :) <3 =^_^=
Onto the rules (yes unfortunately)
- You MUST be 18 years old to enter or at least have your parents permission since I will be needing to ask for your address.
- You MUST be a GFC follower.
- Leave a comment telling me which product you are the MOST excited for.
- I almost forgot! This giveaway is open internationally.
Everything else is in the Rafflecopter widget
This giveaway opens February 14, 2013 12am EST and will close March 14, 2013 12am EST. Yes, this will be open for a month.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Good luck everyone!