
Thursday, March 20, 2014

Hair Care Routine For Every Time I Wash My Hair

Purchased By Me/Press Samples/Giveaway Prize

Hair care is one of those things that can definitely make or break your hair. When I had absolutely NO hair care routine, or products that I used in my hair (with the exception of heat protectant) it was sad. My hair was in no shape at all to be proud of! Now that I have an established routine, my hair and I have become better friends. The only thing I lack on is getting it cut. I've had one too many bad hair cuts so I DREAD going to a hair salon, which is sad considering I'm in desperate need of one! I'm not going to dawdle too much on chatting because this is going to be one heck of a long post! I am going to split it in halfsies though and talk about things and I use every time I wash my hair and things that I use occasionally! So without further adieu!

Shampoo and conditioner is something that I am still trying to find something affordable to work with my hair. Even though I LOVED the Marco Pelusi Color Bodifying Shampoo and Color Hydrate Conditioner, they're a bit out of my price range at $27.25 a pop for 8fl oz. I'm still on the hunt for a shampoo and conditioner duo to work with my finicky hair.

The first thing I do when I get out of the shower is I put some Leave-In Conditioner in my hair. My current go-to is the Marco Pelusi Anti-Frizz Leave-In Conditioner with Collage Guard.
This again is pricey at $35.25 for 8oz of product BUT it's worth it. I've had this small 2 fl oz bottle for over 5 months and I still have about 2 more uses left of it! So an entire 8oz bottle would last quite a long time! I have reviewed this product HERE, so I wont talk much more about it.

Macadamia Healing Oil Treatment or the Big Sexy Hair Soy Renewal Nourishing Styling Treatment are my go-to hair oils.
The Macadamia Healing Oil Treatment is $13.50 for a little travel size bottle that is 1fl oz, but again with any kind of hair oil you need the smallest amount. I've had this for.. oh sheesh about a year I believe and It's still not empty. The full size is $39.95 and can also be found at Target instead of Ulta if that is more of your jam. I LOVE this product, not only does it smell amazing, but it's very nourishing to the hair. This is actually my second travel sized bottle, so I've been using this product for about two years and I don't think I could let my hair go on living without it. I've noticed a HUGE change in my hairs texture because it this. It's definitely smoother and not as dry as it used to be. I love that this has natural UV protection because with living in Florida, it's sunny 97% of the time here, so any kind of UV protection for the hair is awesome. Plus, it extends the life of your hair color if you dye it!

The Healthy Sexy Hair is an Argan oil. 
I was first introduced to this product in 2010, and I was a newbie at anything hair care and wound up using WAY too much of it, so I wasn't a fan. Once I learned the correct amount to use, I fell in love! This product protects your hair against environmental damage, so if you work in the sun a lot or work outside (I used to work at Busch Gardens Tampa Bay) this product would be perfect for you. This helps smooth and protect your hair as well as keep that pesky frizzyness away. 

I HAVE to blow dry my hair after I wash it, or else is gunks up and gets itchy. (Thank you dermatitis!) I wasn't a fan of my hair protecting spray to slow dry my hair because it was always a pain and without re-drenching my hair in it I wouldn't get a good coverage and I would have spots that didn't get any spray and would fry. Sounds annoying right? Well it was. Come a few months ago when it was time to renew my Sally's membership, I got a coupon in the mail that if I renewed my card I got a free ion product as long as it was under $8. I ummed and hmmed for about 30 minutes because I didn't know what I wanted/needed. Well, I found the Ion Daily Solutions Blow Dry Creme Serum ($6.49 without a Sally's card $5.79 with) 
This product is 100% Vegan and it's Paraben free. I know how we all love paraben free products and Vegan products are awesome as well! I'm going to do a full separate review later on in the next month, so I'm just going to tell you that this product has completely upped my blow drying game! Since it's a creme serum, it definitely gets every strand of your hair and I've found that it's reduced my blow dry time in about half! Color me impressed.

The last product that I used in my hair on almost a daily basis, depending on how my hair looking and feels is the Natomy Replenishing Glossing Balm with Rosemary and Chamomile.
 I won this product in a giveaway months ago and it sat around not being used. I don't know why I never used it because this product is absolutely amazing. First you can use this on already styled hair, just put a couple of pumps in your hand, rub your palms together and gently apply to your hair! It smooths down any extra fly aways and oh my goodness does it add some nice shine! I like to use this on my pony tail and on fringe because it makes it look smooth. Plus, since I have I pretty much have straight hair, this eliminates the need for me to use my hair straightener. Especially if it's not really needed. This product is $21.70 for 4fl oz. I typically will split my hair in half and use two pumps on each side. A lot of the time, depending on my hair, this can keep my hair smooth and glossy for days without having to need to reapply any more.  

So that is my hair care routine for every time I wash my hair! I know it seems like a lot of product, and it can be if it's not used correctly. Keep in mind I only use one hair oil, and which one I use just depends on my mood! I will be doing a post soon on the products that I occasionally use, or use when needed! What products do you use in your hair care routine?!

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The Marco Pelusi products were provided for review and the Natomy Replenishing Glossing Balm was won in a giveaway. Everything else I purchased with my own money. I am not being compensated for this review, nor was I asked to talk about any of the above mentioned products. All opinions are my OWN. 


  1. What a nice hair care routine. Mine is so simple. I just wash my hair with a 2 in 1 product and sometimes put in a hair oil. Blow dry until my hair is dry and that's it.

  2. I am still trying to get my haircare routine back in a good place. I am a natural redhead, I was coloring to platinum blonde for 9 years, but went back to my natural color about a year ago,

    and I still don't have it completely figured out. It is totally different! My one go-to is the CHI heat protectant stuff. I love it and it smells fantastic!

  3. Oh wow! I wish mine could be that easy! I'm actually kind of jealous! It's a bit annoying to use so much and there is a whole lot more of occasional use products.

  4. I never tried the Chi, but I use the Tressame one to flat iron my hair. Oh wow! Dying platinum blonde will definitely do a number on your hair! I'm sure you'll figure it out soon! It's all about figured out what works best with your hair. If you need a DEEP conditioner, try the Aussie 3 Minute miracle.

  5. I don't do anything to my hair aside from shampoo and conditioner lol. I really should give some of these a try since you came from the same place!
