
Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Makeup Show Recap

press samples/purchased myself
Hey everyone! I hope you are all doing well!

Today (08/27/2013) was the Blogger Preview for the Makeup Show. Of course the day should go perfect right? Yeah not. Honestly, it was probably one of the worst days I've had in a while. We left early, then had car problems, then I lost my wallet etc. Yeah not fun. That's all I'm really going to say about it because I would just go on and on and I don't want to be a worse Debbie Downer than I already have been.

So with the car problems I was running very late.The preview started at 5:30pm and I thought it was supposed to end at 8:30pm, it ended at 6:30pm. I only got to see maybe 10-15 minutes of the preview. Aka I missed everything. I didn't get many pictures...Okay I got ONE. That's it. Toooooooe-tal fail. But I guess the gem of the entire thing was listening to James Vincent chat about the products in the bag we were getting. Uhm yeah, that man has the voice of an Angel.
You're going to have to excuse all of my pictures, they're all blurry. For this one I was in the back row because I got there late and just sat in the back so I didn't disturb anyone. God forbid my camera actually cooperate right? A new one is in my near future. Enough complaining.
Honestly, all I know was talked about was the products in the bag that we got for attending. You're going to have to check out Phyrra's post HERE. I came in with like 5-10 minutes left. I was THAT late. So strike one for being a terrible blogger right?

This is the contents of the bloggers bag that we received. If you would like a separate post with individual pictures, please let me know.

So onto Saturday, which was the actual Makeup Show. I left NPR around 6:30am, but having to get gas, we didn't get on the actual road until around 700am. Why? After we got gas, the car wouldn't start. I'm like a plague when it comes to cars, I swear. Thankfully it started! Woo so roadtrip.

I got there exactly at 9am. I wound up sitting around in the lobby out front until around 9:30-10am. Why? I totally was waiting for another girl to show up! Call me chicken all you want. I wound up having to use the restroom and having to visit the ATM so I ran in and grabbed my Press pass. Woo for me.

 They were already doing classes and keynotes when I walked in which was cool. I stood there for a few minutes before I went wandering for the Cult Nails booth. Let me tell you. NEVER listen to their map, ever. It was completely backwards. I wandered around the back of the venue for TWENTY minutes, thinking I walked passed her before I realized the map was backwards. Go figure lol. I had taken plantains with me for Maria (the founder/owner) of Cult Nails. Yes, girl I grow plantains but do not eat them. Don't judge >D

Anyways. My first purchase of the day went to Cult Nails and her new All Access collection which is 90s grunge inspired. I only really wanted 3/5 from the few swatches I saw, then when I saw the polishes in person I was like.. yeah okay you're all coming home with me. I purchased the collection for a discounted rate $30 instead of the $48 they're pre-sale-ing for currently (as of Oct. 5th). I will have swatches of these up soon in the very near future.

The next place booth I visited was OFRA Cosmetics. I purchased two things from their $1 clearance bin because I was waiting to talk to the owner of the booth. However unfortunately, I did encounter a very rude person who was working there who accused me of stealing the palettes even though I was still looking through the bin for something else. So I settled on the two palettes. I didn't get a picture of the second palette because I gave it to my sister that night. Mistake on my part, but it was a lipstick/gloss palette that had I believe 10 or 12 different colors in it. The other palette that I purchased was their Mardi Gras Palette.

I don't have anything like those colors in my collection. The bottom row is supposed to be gloss/lipstick duos. Those will be interesting to play with. :) I think this palette retails for $79 if I am going correctly by their website, so this being $1 is a complete steal. I wish I wouldn't have been turned off because I totally would have gotten more. But what can ya do? I wound up avoiding that part of the venue for the rest of the day. Pft. It only takes one person sometimes.

With all of that behind me, I hit up the Z-Palette booth. I had talked to Zena and the other Gentleman who was there earlier in the morning. Honestly, I didn't even get his name. I could feel myself getting sick and totally just wanted to get my Z-Palette and get out of there because I didn't want to get anyone sick or contaminate anything. I got the Dome Palette, which I believe is their newest palette.
Yes, you get to see my work in progress and I didn't realize how dirty it was until I took this picture. I swear I had pictures of these brand new, but they got lost somewhere. Anyways, this is the Dome palette. It's the larger one of the palettes as well as it is higher because it is designed to hold baked shadows/blushes. The Gentleman there totally sold me on this because I was just going to get the Pro-Black palette but you know what, he is an excellent salesman. I don't even own baked shadows anymore. This was $20 at the show, it normally retails for $25. I totally would have bought another one or some extra pans/stickers for it, but genius me was in a hurry. However I'm still satisfied with my purchase completely! I will definitely have a review up of this later on. The shadows inside are from the Urban Decay BOS IV. I depotted it because I rarely use the palette because the drawer was the biggest pain to get out.  Anyways. Anyways. Back onto everything else.

This is right by the Makeup For Ever booth (on the right) in one of the main walk ways .You can see people are starting to pour in. This was right at the beginning of the morning, so it wasn't insane just yet. I met up with Su of Nail Veils and another blogger. I am so sorry but I can't remember your name at the moment. Party foul. I wound up walking around with them and chatting, which was amazing because I wasn't alone. However, I felt like a spazz.
I can't remember what booth this was by. I think it was MUFE, but I can't remember. it was so crazy and hectic. I do however remember that I was talking with Brittany (Clumps Of Mascara) and Cat (Beauty By Cat Blog) Can we just stop and say they have the cutest kids every! I think they were the cutest kids at the event. Kudos for them for being Baby Wearing Mamas!
Unfortunately, at this point I was exhausted and of course, failure as a blogger strike two, no pictures of either of them. I wish I had. They were both gorgeous, everyone was.

This was a makeup artist and Mehron doing work on a may I say handsome gentleman. I wish I had a picture of the finished product, but I was gone by then. The attention to detail was absolutely exquisite! Holy wow I totally wouldn't have the patience for that! Get it girl! You rock!

I did meet John of Cult Nails as well. (Maria's Husband) I've been following him via instagram and twitter, he's totally been my workout inspiration etc lately! So definitely check him out on instagram. He's such a sweetheart and it was awesome to finally be able to meet him and Maria! I wish I would have gotten pictures!

Minus all of the little kinks etc, I think The Makeup Show was a success for me. I would have bought more, but I was way dead by the time I left, then I had to drive him through the start of rush hour traffic on I-4, not fun lol. I do want to say thank you to Stephanie from Stephanie Devine Skincare (formerly Tavarua Skin) for making my crap weekend totally better though! Girl you rock! xx My new hero for sure. :)

I promise the next event I go too, I will be well rested and not at the beginning of the flu and sinus infection! I will also do better in taking pictures. I hope you all are doing amazing!


Some products were provided via a blogger preview bag which all are shown in the picture at the top of the post. The products from OFRA, Cult Nails and Zpalette were purchased with my own money. 


  1. What a shame that you were feeling poorly and had so many setbacks! But oh man, what an amazing event. Hopefully next time you'll feel better and be able to enjoy it more thoroughly.

  2. Thank you! I know it was such a wordy post with barely any pictures to break up the monotony. I'm still not 100% but I'm definitely making plans for next year and plan on taking emergen-c and other things to make sure I am definitely not sick by the time it comes around in November 2014!
