
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

New Hair!

Hey everyone!
I hope that you all are doing well! I recently did my hair (like last night) and I wanted to show you all of the results!

This was a LONG process and my hair is damaged right now from what I did to it in a 2 day span. I definitely would not recommend it and anyone in their right mind would not do it. Hah, but who ever said I was in my right mind :P

I used a Hair Lightener, and 2 different dyes, crazy crazy. The brand I used was Age Beautiful. You can purchase it from Sally Beauty. I'm sure you have all seen my dark purple hair, right?
Here is a picture of my dark purple/brown hair. It's not the greatest picture but I forgot to get a picture before I started everything. 

First we started with the Cream Lightener. Mind you I have never used bleach or a lightener on my hair before, so I didn't know what to expect. I didn't leave it on as long as I should have because it started to freak me out. No lie, my hair itself was HEATING UP. I've never experienced that before I washed it out after about 15 minutes. I was supposed to leave it on for 30 minutes to an hour. I don't know if I could have made it that long honestly. I don't have any pictures of my hair after the lightener. I was too freaked out by what my hair looked like to even bother taking pictures. I did however throw on some Medium Blonde hair dye to even everything out. 
This is the results (these pictures were taken the next day hence the bump on the one side)
You can tell (kind of) that my hair is about 3 different shades

This way day 1 finished. After the lightener and the Medium blonde dye. My Mom said she liked the way it looked but honestly, I wasn't a fan. I wanted to back to blonde but honestly, it just wasn't for me it didn't look right so onto day 2 we went.

For this set of dye I used ageBeautiful Dark Red/Brown (all of the products I used were ageBeautiful). This.. This is just...-_-
I let this sit for about 20 minutes, not the whole time because I could tell it wasn't turning out the color that I wanted so I said eff it and washed it out. Have you ever had those times where it just doesn't turn out how you want so you basically give up?

My hair turned out more burgundy then red. 
THAT is the color my hair was supposed to turn out. Do they look similar?! No. no they don't.

Am I disappointed? Yes, yes I am very disappointed. I'm not going to complain and biatch about it because it is what it is. The bottom of my hair is WAY WAY darker then the top is, so that is a bit more frustrating than it should be. The funny part is that it didn't even take in places and and some places turned way blonde. BLONDE. You can see it in some of the blonde/white in the one picture. Pretty crazy right? Damn mess damn mess.
I'm probably not going to dye my hair for quite some time because I am so over it at this point. 

I'll have some better pictures of my hair in my next post, which is going to be makeup related. Woohoo?!
What do you think?!


  1. omg. I actually love your hair the burgandy color! thats basically the color I've been shooting for lately. sometimes I've gotten closer than others, lol. But, I have the same problem! the bottom of my hair always is darker because the top of my hair is my roots and that's lighter. So I feel ya. Hope you don't give up on dying your hair forever!

  2. Really?! Thank you!!! :D I've done burgundy before but it was always darker then I wanted. Yes! I can't ever figure out why my hand always turns out 2 different colors. It's a bloody pain in the butt! My roots are so light that it's not even funny, I don't mind my roots being so light. I wont give up dying my hair forever for sure. I don't plan on diong it for a while though because 3 different processes withing less than 24 hours I don't want to overly damage my hair worse then it already is. I need to get it cut desperately though, it wouldn't look as scraggly as it does now.

  3. I really like it, actually! I do understand how bad it sucks when the color doesn't come out right though. My bangs always seem to be darker than the rest of my hair and then fade faster. So weird.

  4. yeah keeping it healthy while dying it is a main priority! I'm trying to figure out a way to get a more even color so if/when I do, I will be sure to let you know! haha! I know that mine is because my roots are basically blonde when they come in so of course that takes the color a LOT more than the bottom part of my hair that has been dyed numerous times!

  5. awww this really makes me miss my burgandy hair :( I may have to do my own hair dying adventure now ;P. I love it I think the color is great, and it looks good on you

  6. Very pretty! I love your eyeshadow in the before photo. :)

  7. Thank you! :D xx It's from one of my other blog posts earlier on in the month.

  8. Thank you! :D It's a bit faded now, which I'm not sure if I am thankful for or not lol. Awww D: That definitely sounds fun! :D

  9. Thank you so much!!! Sorry it took me forever to respond!
    It's definitely weird when your bangs come out different then the rest of your hair!

  10. I ran out of my hair mask and what not during the first stage and never got the chance to pick up more. Thankfully my hair is doing better and doesn't feel as gross. I can't wait to see!!
