
Sunday, August 18, 2013

August 2013 Ipsy Bag

Purchased Myself / Gift

Hey everyone!
I hope that you are doing well! :D

This months Glam Bag theme was Glamour Academy, which I assume is supposed to represent their "back to school" bag. There was a HUGE variety or products in the bags this month. 2 definite products and a few either-or-products.  I'm not going to bore you with a super long post so let's get into it!

1) Pacifica ALight Multi-Mineral BB Cream

I don't think there is a specific shade for this since it's supposed to have "shade matching technology". HOWEVER, it definitely will NOT suit everyone. With that being said, I did swatch this and I can not tell you how much I hate despise this product. When you start applying this, the one thing you will notice is that it has SHIMMER in it. Yes, you read that right, shimmer. Unless you love looking like a disco ball, I don't recommend this products.

2) Mica Beauty Cosmetics Shimmer Powder - 17 Bronze

We've gotten a few Mica products in previous Ipsy bags and I've not had much of a problem with them. My only issue with these loose shadows is that I potentially am allergic to them. The last shadow they sent and I wore, my eye lids itched like crazy and while I can't quite remember how my eyes felt when wearing this particular one, I am going to give it another shot. I LOVE this color for sure so I will be super bummed if I can't wear it.

3) Pixi Lash Boosting Mascara

If you plan on wearing this CURL your lashes. I tried this without curling them and my eyelashes stuck out straight as pins. I do love the fact that this separates the lashes AMAZINGLY, but other than that, I didn't find it doing much 'boosting" I'm going to keep testing it though!

I'm sure you noticed there was TWO of each. My Sister gets Ipsy bags as well and she wouldn't use anything from the bag so she gave it all too me. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the duplicate Mica shadow or the BB creams as of yet, but I'm sure we can figure something out! 

4) Urban Decay Revolution Lipstick - Anarchy

I know this was a controversial product for everyone because EVERYONE wanted it, but a lot weren't getting it. I'm thankful that I was one of the ones who got it because I've been venturing into lip products lately and this is such a gorgeous color! I wish I could have captured the green/gold effect that it had ontop of it. Super pretty! 

5) Noya Lip Balm - Cherry (sisters bag)

I know this product pissed people off. This was one of the either-or-products of the bag. It was either this or the UD lipstick. I definitely understand why people were upset because it's Urban Decay vs an unknown brand. I've not tried this and probably wont for some time. I'm going to work  my way through the chapstick I am working on before I open this.

6) Michael Todd True Organics Jojoba Charcoal Facial Scrub

I've used this once already and I don't have a definite opinion of it. It does tell you to use it AFTER you cleanse, but double cleansing can dry out your skin. I did the double cleanse like it said and my face definitely got a little dried out. So I definitely suggest using this in place of your face wash every few days. Charcoal is fantastic for oily skin, so you will definitely be seeing a review from me later on down the road!

7) Michael Todd True Organics Pumpkin Nutrient-Rich Facial Mask (sisters bag)

This mask is suitable for all skin types except for sensitive skin. I can understand that because when I first applied this good god did it burn! I thought I was going to have to take it off honestly, that's how bad it was. It did calm down and stop burning after about a minute. You're supposed to leave this on for 5-10 minutes and only use it every 1-2 weeks. It's that intense. I do suggest at least once a week for the full effect. It's got Glycolic Acid in it, which is fantastic for helping with hyperpigmentation, redness fading acne scars etc. So this is another "later down the road" review.

I can't thank my Sister enough for sharing her bag! Forever grateful that I got to try the Pumpkin face mask, that's actually the one I wanted so muhahah. :P I am pretty pleased with this bag with only 1/5 products that were a fail for me. 

Now unfortunately, I did cancel my subscription, not for any particular reason. I have had problem with Ipsy where I have had to email Ipsy Care. Missing bags, products, etc. I didn't have that kind of issue this time except for shipping. My bag was one of the ones that were not scanned and were sent to a totally different shipping center then they were supposed too which resulted in my bag getting to me a week+ later than it should have. I was okay with that, I'm just glad nothing melted with this heat. I am sure that I will subscribe at a later date, I'm probably going to regret cancelling for September, but I'm sure I'll get something from my Sister. hah. But I'm on a no-buy for The Makeup Show next month and I figure that $10 could go to something more useful. Money is a bit tight right now, so that is why I decided to cancel. Plus, I've got almost 2 years worth of bags. Most of them are packed away because I have NO IDEA what to do with them! Maybe once we get settled into the house I will figure something out! :) 

Did you get this months bag?! What did you think of the products you received?!

I purchased my ipsy bag myself with my own money. The additional products were a gift from my Sister as she didn't want them. I am not affiliated with any of the above mentioned companies or Ipsy.


  1. Love that shade of UD lipstick! I want some new UD lippies so badly but money is tight here too. I just can't see subbing to a bag where I may or may not like what I get, when I could buy myself a full-size product that I'll love instead.

  2. It's gorgeous but I've not tried it yet. It's not so much a money issue as I've just been unimpressed. Even with loving the products in the bags, I'm just not excited to get it anymore. I figured if I'm not excited about it, I mine as well just cancel and give my spot to someone else who has been waiting!
